Saturday, January 14, 2012

2 Years Ago Today.....

2 years ago today it was just another day. Or so I thought......

I woke up, went to work, had a morning meeting and came back to my office. It was then I saw the light flashing. I had a message. For a split second I let myself believe that it might be the call, but just as fast as I let that thought slip into my brain I pushed it away. It was only a few hours ago that I had a conversation with my step mom about our adoption. The bankruptcy was over and the adoption agency told us that referrals would start again, but they said not until at least March. It was January there was NO way that they would start this soon I told her. I fully expected that I wouldn't know who our son was until at least May. April if I was really lucky.

I picked up the phone, dialled my password...... "you have 2 messages". First message.... an interview candidate returning my call. 2nd message....... the name Imagine Adoption read on my caller ID. In an instant my entire body started shaking and my eyes filled up. This was it, it was the call I had been waiting for. I could feel it. In that moment I knew I had a son. I was a mother of two.

I returned the call and heard the words I had been waiting years to hear......"Congratulations, we have a referral for you". Those few little words changed my life. I did have a son, and I was a mother to two. In that moment, all the heartache was over.

After the tears stopped and I could talk I managed to find out how old he was, but that was it. I wanted to share the experience with Darryl. After about 1 1/2 hours we were at home and ready to open the file. And this is what we saw. Our hearts melted........

We had a little boy. We didn't know anything about him other than his age, height, weight and the fact that he looked very sad.

Fast forward 2 years and here is our son!

We now know that Tegegn is a wonderful happy little boy. His smile is magical. It can brighten your day in an instant. He has a wonderful sense of humour and is so determined to be involved in everything. The experience of being a parent to our son, this little boy that we first laid eyes on 2 years ago has been one of the greatest joys of my life. In 2 short years I have gotten to know our son, and I can't wait for the future. I know he is going to grow up to be a wonderful man (hopefully not to fast).

What a difference 2 years can make.


  1. Look at him, from a sad scary boy to this very handsome and happy little man! 2 years already! wow

    Hope we can get together one day?

  2. It dosent seem like 2 years all ready
    it seems like alot less.
    love you
