Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How to explain this to others?

It seems that almost daily I am telling people about our adoption. My job was posted at my work for my leave, so I now have over 200 people wondering what is going on. I'm obviously not pregnant, so most people assumed that I was going to be off for more surgery on my leg. They are shocked when I tell them about the adoption(happily shocked). There are two responses I get most often. First is "what a lucky boy", and second is "you are so wonderful for doing this". Both of these statements that I have had trouble with ever since we started this process.

Is he lucky? NO, he's not. Are we wonderful for doing this? No, we are not.

I know that people say these things with all good intentions but I have a really hard time with it. He is not lucky. If he was lucky, he would have been born in a country that provided enough food, water, shelter and security that he could have stayed there and been raised by his biological parents. He would have been born in the west, or at least into a middle class family. Instead he woke up one morning and his whole world was torn upside down. He didn't ask for this, and he does not understand what is going on. I'm sure he doesn't feel lucky.

We are the lucky ones. We get the most incredible and amazing job that anyone can get. We get to parent this boy. To watch him grow up, to watch him learn, to watch him love, to watch him become a man. That is lucky.

I understand what people mean by this comment, they mean that he is one of the small few who get to leave the cycle of poverty, he gets a future when so many don't, he will survive and not die of starvation like millions of others, but he doesn't understand this. One day he might. My hope is that one day our son looks back on his life and is proud of the journey it took to bring him to us. I hope one day he will look into my eyes and see that I know without a doubt that I am lucky that he was brought into my life.

When people tell me that I am wonderful for adopting, I don't know what to say. Adoption isn't something people do to feel wonderful. We didn't do this to feel good about ourselves. I donate money to charities to feel like a good person. I put presents under the Christmas tree at the local shelter to feel good about myself. This is something that I was always going to do. I was meant to adopt, which I can't explain to anyone who wasn't. I am not wonderful for doing this, I am just following my path. We are creating our family the way we were suppose to, the way we were meant to. And once again how lucky am I that this handsome boy is my son!


  1. The article explains everything including the heart and compassion of the people adopting this beautiful child.Unfortunately we do not have the luxory of choosing when and how, and where we are born. It is fortunately those people who find us that help shape who we will be and how our lives will play out in the future. It is people like this that know no boundaries when it comes to acceptance and love. This child I'm sure will have the right teachers and parents who will help him discover that love and compassion don't and shouldn't have these boundaries.

  2. Dana,
    So well said !!!!!!!

    Just wanted to wish you all the best in this last leg of the trip and to the journey that is just starting. So looking forward to a picture of you all together.
    Hope the flight to him goes by as fast as it can
    Lots of love

  3. Yes Dana, really well said, thank you!

    Enjoy every second of your trip and I cannot wait to see pictures of all of you together! That is what keep me going lately!

    Have a safe and fantastic trip!!!


  4. He is such a handsome little guy! Enjoy your trip, it will be great to see a picture of you all together.

  5. Dana
    Your words have truly touched my heart. So clearly communicated and I know that your family of four will return home...a home complete with four beautiful people. Safe travels and may this journey continue to be everything you dreamed....
