The decision to put Tegegn in school already was a tough one, but when Darryl and I thought about it, it made sense. He does well with routine, wanted to go where his sister was going, and in our minds was ready. He is doing really great. Like I have said in the past, we didn't have many attachment issues, so he doesn't feel like we are abandoning him when he get's on the bus, and is starting to make friends and understand the routine at his school.
Chance for Change is doing great. We have been getting a lot of support from friends, family, adoption community, strangers, actually everyone which is great. We have realized that getting the charity started on the Ethiopia side of things is a little bit more complicated then we were lead to believe originally, so things there aren't up and going yet, but hopefully with a little more time and effort it will all work out.
The butterfly conservatory was a great time. Tegegn loved chasing the butterflies but couldn't understand why they wouldn't stay still and let him catch them He was amazed by the bird who would sit still on the kids and thought it was really great to see so many birds eating in one place. He saw snow for the first time and it was magical. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't love the winter. Actually I wouldn't have a problem living without it (except for about a week around Christmas), but this year is different. When Tegegn woke up the first day there was snow on the ground his excitement made it all worth it. He couldn't believe that it was in the front yard and the back yard. He kept running from door to door to make sure what he was seeing was real. We were outside in our "snowman suits", which is what he lovingly calls his snowsuit before 8:00am making his first snow angles and having a snow ball fight. This was probably the most amazing "first" I got to see.
Emotionally, the shock and disbelief that he is actually here is fading. He has been with us going on 6 months and it feels so right. I did have a moment the other day when it all came back though. I was Christmas shopping. I was in the boys clothing section looking for an outfit for him and tears started rolling down my face. I couldn't believe that I was actually shopping for my little boy that was actually in my house. This was the first Christmas in 3 years that I wasn't standing there saying to myself "it's ok, next year I will be able to buy boys clothes". This year I actually was. This Christmas morning all 4 stockings will be down and filled. Santa will finally have 2 children to bring presents to at the Laferriere house. It's been a long hard road to get here, but we are complete.